Spiritual Formation

Essential to Christian schools, and especially to ACS, programs and activities are planned and implemented with intentionality, specificity, and accountability.

Spiritual Growth

The spiritual growth of those involved in the Acadiana Christian School family is of vital importance. Essential to Christian schools, and especially to ACS, programs and activities are planned and implemented with intentionality, specificity, and accountability.

It is with great joy and an awesome sense of responsibility that the ACS staff partner with parents in the Spiritual formation and development of their children. We acknowledge that Spiritual formation starts with the hearing of God’s Word. It is through His Word that God reveals Himself and His purposes. Because of this truth, His Word stands preeminent as a staple throughout the curriculum at ACS whether at the pre-K, Kindergarten, elementary school level or the college preparatory school level.

Christianity is faith lived out in community. Spiritual Formation is about love and passion for Jesus Christ, from which Christ-like actions will naturally flow.The Good News of Jesus Christ has the power to transform, and a real Christian worldview will be lived out from this foundation.

At ACS, we believe that our Vision, Mission, and Phiolosphy will only be achieved through Spiritual Formation. Spiritual Formation is being transformed by Jesus Christ, not just learning about Him. Spiritual Formation is also about helping students grow in their faith so that their hearts are passionately and fully engaged in an intimate and growing relationship with God.

Matters of excellence and leadership in academics, arts, and athletics are given meaning through Spiritual Formation. ACS’s pursuit of excellence and desire to forge leaders must be integrated with humility and servant-hood through Spiritual Formation. We seek to cultivate an atmosphere of freedom that enables students to thrive and engage the surrounding culture while remaining unwaveringly Christ-centered. Romans 12:2

ACS’s faculty, staff, artists, and coaches have a passion for serving Jesus Christ. They are committed to modeling Christ to the students in their home and community, as well as in the halls and classrooms and on the athletic fields at ACS. They are also committed to helping students learn to be servant leaders. ACS’s focus is to Reach Students through academics, arts and athletics and then Build Lives through Spiritual Formation. I Peter 5:2-3

What We Offer

Daily Bible Classes

The Bible is taught so that the student will develop sound Christian values that will govern the use of his knowledge and skills.

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Biblical Integration

The goals of Biblical integration at ACS are to help students to know God through the Bible, to develop a growing relationship with him, and to think biblically and critically about every subject.

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Lower Division Chapel

Chapel services include a time of worship through music and a message prepared specifically for elementary age students.

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Upper Division Chapel

Chapel services provide students with an opportunity to engage in praise and worship

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